Imaging heart remodelling with [99mTc]-MIBI in a rat model for stroke
Study performed at BIOEMTECH, Greece
Research question
A ‘MIBI scan’ is a common method of cardiac imaging using SPECT. After intravenous injection, the tracer is taken up into the myocardium proportionally to the myocardial blood flow. Therefore, this tracer can be helpful to detect tissue damage in the heart muscle, e.g. in case of stroke.
This study imaged a rat before induction of stroke, 1 and 2 weeks after stroke. After induction of stroke, also a cell therapy was started to enhance cardiac recovery. Two weeks following stroke and therapy an improvement in myocardial function could be appreciated.
The rat was intravenously injected with ± 185 MBq (4 mCi) [99mTc]Tc – MIBI and imaged 40 min after injection.
Image courtesy of Bioemtech, Greece.

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- γ-CUBE