Preclinical imaging trials made easy
Systems designed to optimize trial throughput and reproducibility
How do I facilitate error-free, effective imaging trials on small animals? This is one of the key questions we have identified in drug discovery programs. The MOLECUBES platform offers more than just high-end scanning. It integrates the entire imaging chain to achieve exactly this: throughput and reproducibility. Improvements in our molecular imaging technology can speed up the scanning workflow as follows. Firstly, in contrast to mainstream approaches, modular systems inherently facilitate synchronous scanning. One modality does not block another during the scanning process, as is the case with in-line systems. When a hotel bed is used in addition, the number of animals scanned within a modality is further optimized. Secondly, our high-sensitivity systems reduce scan time significantly, even at low injected doses. This can result in a daily throughput of over 50 mice in a bi-modal PET/CT or SPECT/CT static setup. Finally, our CUBEFLOW software suite not only connects the different modalities, it also connects the different parts in the imaging chain, from physiological monitoring via wireless image acquisition and image reconstruction to central data management.
Advanced technology to ensure precision and quantification
Our hardware platforms, which have been developed in-house, enable the combination of high sensitivity and high resolution to be achieved over all the systems, thus making possible low dose imaging and imaging of even the finest anatomical structures. Our modular PET/SPECT/CT platform, built on proprietary SiPM detector technology coupled to continuous crystals, advances imaging performance to sub-millimeter resolutions on all modalities. Combined with integrated iterative reconstruction algorithms and quantitative image processing, it makes handling DICOM as well as list-mode data an easy, fast, quantitative, and reproducible process.

Your tool in drug discovery and development
Our modular platform accommodates almost any application. Fast dynamic scanning in PET enables the imaging of whole-body biological processes (e.g. bio-distribution measurements, dynamic heart or brain studies). Image quantification and SUV-measurements based on static scans make it possible to monitor therapeutic efficacy and disease progression over time, even in the smallest anatomical structures or regions. Published results are available and include dynamic studies and studies of pharmacokinetics, target engagement, theranostics, radiotherapy, and virology.